We know that as parents making decisions on products can be a big deal, which is why we want to share as many different experiences with you as possible. Here at Mamas & Papas, we love hearing how our products are being used in real life by real parents and we thought it would be beneficial to share some of those with you. The design work that goes into each and every one of our products is about making your everyday life easier, so hearing your experiences lets us know if we’re getting that right.
We’re proud of our Bug 3-in-1 Booster seat and it seems that it’s a best seller for a reason – with many parents telling us they wonder how they managed without one. The seat itself has three main jobs – it allows you to have a booster seat during feeding time, you can fix the seat somewhere so your little one can sit and play safely and it is designed to be adapted as your baby grows.
So, with all of this in mind, we did feel secretly confident when we started asking real parents about their experiences with this baby booster seat but it’s still such a thrill when we realise it’s working out.
Below we have shared with you how real parents are using their Bug 3-in-1 Booster seat, so you can see how it could easily fit into your everyday life and even make day-to-day life that little bit easier.
Let’s get to know you – how old is your little one?
Emily (@project_ivel) – I have two children, Ella 2 years old and Bradley 2 months old
Maria (@kingsburyhomelife) – My baby is 7 months old and has been using the seat for around 2 months
Chased Cheshire Semi (@cheshiresemi) – Harry is 8 months old
Chelsea (@charlieandme.X) – I have been using the bug for 3 months and Charlie is now 7 months old
Marie (@marieedunleavyx) – Archie is 8 months old
The Bug 3-in-1 seat is designed for sitting, playing and eating – what do you use yours for?
Emily (@project_ivel) – Ella likes to sit at the table drawing and painting so I use this seat to add a bit of stability to where she is sitting. She’s too small to reach the table on our seats so we use this when she eats instead of a high chair.
Maria (@kingsburyhomelife) – Ours gets used every single meal time and for playing at the table too.
Chased Cheshire Semi (@cheshiresemi) – Now that Harry is starting to be on the move more I use mine for sitting him so he can play safely while I get my household chores done.
Chelsea (@charlieandme.X) – We have used ours in different ways. Up until Charlie was 6 months old I used it while I cooked dinner and kept him entertained with an activity treat. Now I use it for both activity tray time and for feeding him. He loves it being strapped to one of our dining chairs as he loves to watch us eat – and I have noticed he has started to try and copy us eating too.
Marie (@marieedunleavyx) – Our main use is to have it on our dining room seating when we have dinner, so he can feel as though he is part of our table. I love that I can put it anywhere and he has somewhere safe to sit and play.

The Bug has loads of features - what are your favourites?
Emily (@project_ivel) – I love how adaptable it is and the fact you can use it up to 3 years old. We can’t wait to use it with Bradley when he is 3 months.
Maria (@kingsburyhomelife) – How easy it is to transport, how long it lasts and how versatile it is as to where you can place it around the home.
Chased Cheshire Semi (@cheshiresemi) – We love how easy it is to take with us when we visit family thanks to the handle. It means that not only can we keep Harry entertained outside of the house, but he can sit with the family and be included in meal times.
Chelsea (@charlieandme.X) - I love that the Bug has multiple uses – and that he was able to use it even before he was able to sit confidently on his own. Before Christmas, I was looking at purchasing a standard baby seat, but I handed it in and then this was released and I am so glad I waited. I really love the tray and how this has helped to make our baby-led weaning journey much easier. With the tray on the Bug, he can move around but still reach it, which I worried with a highchair wouldn’t be the case.
Marie (@marieedunleavyx) – The fact the Bug is so versatile is something that I really love. We love using it as a highchair when placed on a dining table chair but equally, it gets used on the floor with an activity play try. He really loves being up high and seeing the world, so it’s ideal for letting me know he's happy and safe and I can get on with the jobs around the house I need to do.

Do you travel out and about with the Bug or does it stay at home?
Emily (@project_ivel) – Currently it’s just in our kitchen, but we have plans to take it with us on holiday when we go.
Maria (@kingsburyhomelife) – It’s often at home but when we go on holiday in the UK it always comes with us.
Chased Cheshire Semi (@cheshiresemi) – We take it everywhere we can, it’s perfect for just popping in the car and taking it with us just in case we need it.
Chelsea (@charlieandme.X) - I have taken the Bug with us when we have gone out for family meals, as it allows Charlie to sit with us and enjoy the whole experience too.
Marie (@marieedunleavyx) - It gets used all over our house and the grandparents are keen on us taking it there when they have him for a few hours too.
Would you recommend the Bug to friends and family?
Emily (@project_ivel) – For anyone that has a child aged under 3 years I would say this is a must-have product.
Chased Cheshire Semi (@cheshiresemi) – We would definitely recommend this – in fact, we would say it’s something every new parent needs. If you’re looking to gift a new parent something practical, the bug couldn’t be a more perfect present.
Chelsea (@charlieandme.X) - Although I feel it is a little pricey and that the straps could be a little sturdier I do think it’s a high-quality product and I am always recommending it to friends and family who have children of the same age.
Marie (@marieedunleavyx) – I love that the Big helped him sit up on his own early on, so yes, I would recommend this to everyone. Not only that but I love how versatile it is and how stylish it looks within our home, I’m a big fan of the colour!
Looking back at these responses is something that we really enjoyed – and seeing so many uses for this baby seat is truly great. We love that people use it to sit at the table for dinner, but also for entertainment too. To hear that you’re taking it on holiday to make life easier and even grandparents are getting in on the action is great!
It’s clear to us that you love how versatile the Bug is and how much you’re making use of it throughout your day-to-day life, which is exactly what we had in mind when we set to work designing and creating this booster seat. So much feedback told us that every new parent would benefit from one of these and if we’re honest, we completely agree.