Whatever your situation, seeing those two blue lines appear on a pregnancy test is a moment you won’t forget. Those two lines are the start of some big emotions - you’ll be feeling everything from worry to joy. With all of these emotions, it makes sense that when it comes to your pregnancy announcement you’ll want to tell friends and family in the right way. That said, it’s also okay if you want to wait a while before revealing your life changing news to everyone. Of course, everyone has their own pregnancy announcement ideas so there isn’t a right way to do it. However, we know there have been some lovely pregnancy announcement ideas in the past, so if you could do with some inspiration then we’ve put together a few that we’ve loved hearing about.

The first thing to consider when it comes to your pregnancy announcement is when you want to share your happy news with your loved ones. There is no right or wrong time to do this. Some parents like to wait until they have had their first 12-week scan and others will choose to let people know a little earlier than this. In fact, you can even choose to just let a few select people know your news early on. Having a support network in the early stages of your pregnancy can be really useful, but there is no right (or wrong) answer as to when you should tell people, or indeed who you should tell your news to.
However, when you decide it is the right time having some fun with the way you announce the news can be really good. Here are some of our favourite pregnancy announcements, feel free to use them to inspire your own baby reveal ideas.
@georgiamccaffrey decided that she would use the surprise method. Whilst out for dinner with her family they facetimed one of her sisters who couldn’t make it to the meal. Whilst they were on the phone she held her pregnancy scan in front of her without saying anything and waited for people to realise what she was holding. Of course, once everyone realised their faces dropped and messages of congratulations started to come through. Even young family members who were excited about having a new baby cousin in the family joined in with the excitement.
@amy_e_mooney did her pregnancy announcement during lockdown. Family zoom quizzes were at the peak of their popularity and it was their time to host. They held the quiz as normal but had a unique final question. “When is our little boy going to be a big brother?”. However, to add to the suspension, their internet cut out leaving the family wondering what had actually just happened. Of course, they soon re-joined the call and everyone could finally share their congratulations.
@x_heartof63 announced her pregnancy at Christmas. When replying to an invitation for Christmas dinner her partner texted his mum with “the three of us will be there” and then sent a photo of the pregnancy test – cue excited phone calls all around.
@winiemaiya wanted to get her pregnancy announcement right because they had been through several IVF rounds during a three-year period. This time was obviously stressful and heartbreaking through the years for the whole family. Rather than announce straight away they decided to wait until they were pretty much at the 12-week stage, so they could be confident their baby was safe. They had personalised biscuits made with a rainbow and a picture of their scan to give to their parents. Of course, it was an emotional announcement for the whole family and the announcement brought on plenty of happy tears as everyone got ready to welcome the new baby into the family.
However, you decide to announce your news to your loved ones, remember it is your news to announce and so whenever you do it and however you want to do it is perfectly fine. We hope that the baby announcements above have brought a little joy to your day and of course, inspired your own pregnancy announcement if that is what you need.
Just remind yourself that however, you decide to do your pregnancy reveal; there really is no right or wrong way – just do what feels right for you and your partner and you really can’t go far wrong.